Undoubtedly, some things are not going to change about India and Indian army. The social media video posted by BSF soldier TejBahadur Yadav, shows that the top officials in the public institutions are behaving more or less like rulers. This video shows nothing but the poor condition of management inside the public institutions including BSF. A jawan subjected to 11 hours of work is going to feel the winter chill harder. Now, the quality of food shown in the video .. I do not know what to say about it. I am not an expert at it. There is no need for exaggeration. Tasks like the ones these jawans are required to fulfill are demanding physically and emotionally. You can imagine the kind of physical and emotional stress Tej Bahadur Yadav must have been subjected to before he knew he would have to ask people for help. If the army officials were willing to hear, the condition would not have been as poor. 11 hours of work... perhaps officials can rest inside their hot quarters in peace only because these jawans are willing to do the more grueling or horrible part of army's job. No doubt every inquiry or investigation will bring out the same oft-told story. An army jawan was unable to bear the pressure and broke down. Such pressures can be reduced if not avoided, given the senior officials are wiling to care for their poor jawans. If a soldier is being made to feel like a naukar, you know his motivation has been ruined. If you have to survive the conditions TejBahadur is trying to survive, you would need plenty of courage with lots of motivation. To make the case worse for him BSF has come up with a poor clarification that this guy has had a history of nonsense and insanity. This is going to force the jawan to change his course and his words. However, BSF seems ignorant of the fact that every poor Indian has some common sense and can see past things. So, if any official believes he would be able to cover up things by making statements that look and sound retaliatory he cannot be more mistaken. I would not like that this Jawan be subjected to such poor conditions. Nor would any other Indian like it. So, our honorable PM can consider it a humble appeal that he himself would focus on how affairs inside BSF are being managed. He too must find this just as intolerable as the rest of India does. This video showing a BSF official trying to clarify the situation does not sound very believable.
Such charges are true before they are made. A poor worker at the lower level complaining of poor working conditions and worse situation of management is not unbelievable. BSF must not try to hide things. It must rather address the problem and provide the necessary supplies that can keep the jawans happily on job. Seems the public institutions would need to learn a lot from the private institutions about how to handle their workforce. If the working conditions inside these private organizations is better then it is because their officials care. However, BSF foolishly decided to deny the charges. Noone needs further clarification. If trust and respect are missing, you know the inside picture has been horrible.