leadership matrix

The skills theory of leadership emerged as a prominent theory in 1955 when Robert Katz published his paper "Skills of an Effective Administrator" in the "Harvard Business Review." Katz observed executives and identified three skill areas that the executives had in common and used on a regular basis. Researcher M.D. Mumford and his team expanded on the approach with their paper "Leadership Skills for a Changing World: Solving Complex Problems, " published in "The Leadership Quarterly" in 2000 (Chron). 

Trait Leadership

Leaders are born with leadership traits.

Leaders can be responsible, intelligent, efficient.
Behavior can be affected to turn non leaders into leaders.

There are task oriented leaders and then there are people oriented leaders.

Leadership was affected by leaders’ personality and situation.
Leaders are task motivated and relationship motivated.

Leadership is based on skills.

People can develop skills that help them lead.


Situations bring out the leaders from inside the people.

Leadership can depend on circumstances.